
Hey! We All Fall Short Sometimes

On May 1st, of 2018 I decided to take my dieting, working out, running, and blogging about my journey to getting fit more seriously. Well after a week of a doing great, I fell off the wagon. I would like to send out a thank you to my allergies for making me sick and contributing to my fall. So my OCD kicks in and said, "Hey! Why don't you start back at it June 1st." No! I want those who are embarking on this journey to know, you will sometimes fall off, hit a wall, or even feel like you can't go on. But you can! As my personal trainer told me once, "If you set your mind to it, your body will follow." Here are my  measurements and my weight for May 1st My weight is 200.4 These are my measurement  May game plan was to pick back up June 1st, 2018, but things didn't go according to MY plan. That's ok though because I received a text from my personal trainer letting me know that she was jumping back into training again. We set up ou

Atlanta Spartan Sprint 2017

First off let me say how sorry that I am that it has taken me three days to post this blog about my first, hopefully not last, Spartan Sprint experience. So let me jump right in to it. About the Spartan Races According to Google...  Spartan Race  is a series of  obstacle races  of varying distance and difficulty ranging from 3 miles to marathon distances. They are held in US and have been franchised to 14 countries including Canada, South Korea, Australia and several European countries. The series include the Spartan Sprint, the Super Spartan, the Spartan Beast, and the Ultra Beast.  Spartan Sprint (3+ miles of obstacle racing, 20+ obstacles), the Spartan Super (8+ miles, 25+ obstacles), the Spartan Beast (13+ miles, 30+ obstacles), and the Ultra Beast (26+ miles, 60+ obstacles – one of two marathon obstacle courses along with Mudderthon). [10]  The obstacles themselves also vary from race to race. Frequently presented obstacles can include a fire jump, climbing under b

Meal Prepping

If you attend Hot Spot and you do the classes, you know our next challenge is doing Meal Prep. I was excited because my eating was the one thing I could not get under control. Once I can get that down, I am sure more weight will drop. YAY!!!! Last week I couldn't do my meal prep because I had some oral surgery done and I was on a liquid diet. YAY!!!! That also meant I could not workout either. As of yesterday, I have been cleared to eat solid food and workout. Again, YAY!!!! So onto the meal prep for this week..... As most know, I am NOT a big meat eater. My mom let me try things, if I liked it, I ate it. If I didn't, then she didn't force me to eat it. My aunt told me that she read that your blood type is what decides if you're a meat eater or not. I can't recall my blood type, but I will find it and share it with you, then we find out if this theory is true. Saturday while suffering Facebook, I found a recipe that was a meal prep for vegetarian. Score one

The end of one challenge and the starting of a new one....

Sunday April the 30th, 2017 was the end of the group challenge. Everyone who participated in it, finished it and was able to get their Hot Spot Tanning and Fitness cups. I must say that I love mine but most of all, I am proud of myself for completing the challenge. Today, May 1st, 2017 we are starting a new challenge....Push-Ups. I will be taking videos of myself so that I can blog about them and also see how far I have come and also so I can see what all I need to work on. As of right now, I need to work on it all. But with my instructor and gym family behind me, I will own them push-ups!!!! Here is the first video....

New Challenge

April 10th, 2017 we started a new challenge. We were placed in teams for three or four ladies and we each have to complete 15 workouts a piece. So in total, the group of three will have to complete a grand total of 45 workouts and the group of four have to complete grand total of 60 workouts, all in 21 days. I am in a group of four and I was placed with three women who bust their tails in working out. Which is a big motivation for me. It has been such a big motivation for me, that I am currently holding 24 workouts under my belt and will be adding one more this afternoon. There has been mornings that I have woke up and thought, "Maybe I should stay in the bed." But I get on up and go, then I am happy that I did. I feel so much better knowing that I am 1.) I am not letting my team members down, 2.) I am not letting myself down, and 3.) I am seeing changes within myself. Keep up the good work ladies.

My Weight Loss Journey Has Begun........

We all have said this day I will start my diet. That day comes and a new date is set. That one also comes and you have yet again set a new date. Now you're just stuck in the setting a date and then saying the next day routine. Well my date to start was January 1st but I actually didn't get started till January 5th. I saw the gym I attend post about a 15 Day Challenge. You complete 12 workouts in 15 days and you earn one of their bags. I decided to set that as my small goal. You know they say set smaller goals to reach the bigger one..... I didn't complete that goal but I came pretty damn  dang close to it. I started five days after most of the ladies and for me to get 11 classes in (I lost one class due to a late cancelation) was awesome to me. I am sure the guy who did bootcamp years ago would tell you that, that says a lot for me. Now on to the next challenge. January 19th we started the 28 Day Challenge. For the next four weeks we are busting our butts to lose weigh

School....What Was I Thinking

Paralegal Degree word.....YIKES!!!!!  I knew when I was little I would either be a Veterinarian or a Lawyer. My brother, Jamie, was a vet tech here in Cairo and he got me a volunteer job at the vet he worked at. I loved it, because I was working with my Bubba and I got to work with animals. I did that for almost two years till I had to witness a dog being put to sleep and how much it hurt the owners. I would go broke trying to help save a pet then having to put it down. I know, I am such a softy! Well after that, I decided that being a Veterinarian was not for me. At that time, nothing was right for me. Guess you could say God had his own plans to work.  Well let me do a Star Trek warping here.......  After having my son, I knew schooling would take too long and I did't want to miss the important times of my growing peanut's life. So, I place everything on the back burner till he started school.  Another Star Trek warping.......   It is Summer